Author: publisher

The Sunday Doctrine of Men

A radio minister was warning his flock against false teachers. He was telling them these false teachers mislead people with unusual or strange interpretations of God’s Word. This is a very interesting point. It is true, God’s Word shows this.…

When is Passover?

“Christ Our Passover is Sacrificed For Us”)There are many false doctrinal stances that exist today among Passover-keeping congregations- from that of Jesus keeping The TRUE Passover on the night BEFORE the Jews (the Jews having erred from the true date…

WHEN Is The LORDS Passover

Which “Even” was it That God Commanded The Passover to be Observed? (The 13th into The 14th , or The 14th into The 15th?) Are we to commemorate “The Lord’s Passover” on the night that Jesus ate “The Last Supper”…